Achieving Long-Term Goals Through Coalitions in New York City

Independent Living Centers (ILCs) are dedicated to improving community outreach and education by forming local partnerships and coalitions. Schools must collaborate with other organizations to reach their objectives, which can be personal, workplace-related, or developed by NYAIL and other groups. The Coalition is committed to reducing the stigma of addiction and providing support for those suffering from the disease. It has organized multiple forums to raise awareness and educate people about addiction and its far-reaching consequences.

The Coalition's ambitious goal is to end racial disparities in life expectancy on the West Side of Chicago, which are caused by inequalities in economic and health systems. Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams have made it clear that the New York Plan will help break down the barriers that have prevented many New Yorkers from achieving their dreams. As President of the Commission on Economic Development, I am devoted to actively collaborating in the implementation of this plan. We must continue to work with decision makers to ensure a recovery in New York City that puts people first.

High-impact coalitions require strong leadership and a clear vision of their goals. They can be flexible associations that work together for a short period of time to achieve a specific goal before disbanding. The Coalition Effectiveness Inventory (CEI) is a checklist for coalition personnel and key leaders to evaluate the effectiveness of the coalition. Coalitions often face challenges for which there is no existing solution, so it is important to avoid wasting time debating how to organize.

High-impact coalitions are based on trust between members rather than formal contracts or financial incentives, which is why some coalitions take longer to get started than others. To ensure success, coalitions must have a well-defined purpose and objectives that are achievable within a reasonable timeframe. It is also important for members to understand their roles and responsibilities within the coalition, as well as how they can contribute to its success. Additionally, coalitions should have a plan for evaluating their progress and making adjustments as needed.

The long-term goals of coalitions in New York City are to improve community outreach and education, reduce the stigma of addiction, end racial disparities in life expectancy, and help break down barriers that prevent New Yorkers from achieving their dreams. To achieve these goals, coalitions must have strong leadership, clear objectives, and an understanding of each member's role in the coalition's success. With these elements in place, coalitions can be effective tools for achieving long-term goals.

Meghan Stearnes
Meghan Stearnes

General tv guru. Total music practitioner. Tea junkie. Wannabe twitter specialist. Incurable travel fanatic.